On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me...12 tips for eating healthy. You know the old song. Now it's time to put that old song into action! Weight gain is definitely apparent during the holiday season. If not from the juicy turkey and mom's good ol' stuffing at Thanksgiving, it's the Christmas cookies around Jesus' birthday. Either way, it has been reported that an average American does gain at least one pound during the holiday season. So what exactly does this mean for you? Put a plan into motion! If you go into the season with the mindset that you want to maintain your weight, then here's a few tips for eating healthy during the busy holiday season.
Stop when you get the "full" feeling- When you get that feeling in your stomach that says, "Hey, I don't think I can take anymore..." don't ignore it. Listen to it! If you do, you may be able to eat a tasty treat afterwards.
Don't skip meals- This will cause you to overindulge, feeling it is ok to have two plates at one time. (I have been guilty of this in the past lol)
Walk the weight off- Since you absolutely have to visit the mall for the oh-so-fabulous sales that are going to be happening, why not park a little farther away at the mall? That way you'll burn a few extra calories while not even thinking about it.
Eat regularly- By doing this, you are less likely to over eat when going to that Christmas gathering.
Eat some tasty treats- Ok now who can really go through Christmas without the fabulous sugar cookies? No one in my opinion! So it's best to understand that it's sometimes ok to eat those holiday treats. Not so much because they are healthy, but think of it as a reward. If you've followed the tips for eating healthy, then why not treat yourself?

Watch the liquor- We all know how easy it can be to slip a little liquor in the eggnog, but this season try only putting a little bit in the mix or simply drink water. Drinking water will allow you to have more room to eat what you want.
7. Eat the healthy stuff first- It is much easy to satisfy your stomach if you start out by eating a plate of healthy food. If you do this, it will trick your stomach and you will only be able to consume a small amount of the bad stuff.
8. Prepare for that special holiday dinner- If you know you're going to be around some foods that aren't so great for you. Try eating a small meal before you go. That way you won't have too much extra room your stomach for overindulging.
Don't let your eyes become bigger than your stomach- Now although you may want every last holiday item that was cooked in the kitchen on your plate, eat your food in moderation. Allow your stomach to get the "full feeling" so that you don't become a victim of holiday weight gain.
Just say no- It is understood that when offered food, it is polite to eat it. During the holidays, this concept goes down the drain. People tend to offer you everything they have in the kitchen, but heed my warning...just say no! Not only because I'm sure you'll encounter food you don't like, but also because you don't need all the extra junk. Remember moderation is the key.
Exercise- Now I don't mean work out EVERY SINGLE DAY of your holiday vacation, but don't be a stranger to the word. Exercising will burn calories and give you the extra boost you need while participating in the vigorous holiday shopping. No one will be able to get that last Coach purse before you do!

Relax- The holidays can be a stressful time and when people are stressed, the first thing they turn to is junk food. Don't let this person be you. Give you mind time to cool down after a hectic shopping experience by listening to some soothing music or simply giving yourself some quiet time. We all know that is necessary during the holidays!
Everyone have a fabulous Christmas and remember if you follow these tips for eating healthy, it will avoid the dreaded weight gain that comes along with the holiday season. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY EATING!!!